source: here. |
Here are my randowns in August.
Personal Life:
- Silaturahmi at my jhs friends and teachers. Spent a lot of sweet and snack. Hehe :D
- Fasting in syawwal
- Started love korean variety show, Running Man. They're so amazing.
- There is a new gazebo with many awesome fishes under.
- Planted tomato and chili with my dad for Lingkungan Hidup's task.
- RIP Robin Williams
- OSIS election! My classmet//my neighbor//my elementary school's friend//my ace// was won. Congrats, Hilman!
- Dirgahayu, Indonesiaku! 6'-'9
- My second, 'Malam Gelar Kemerdekaan'. Amazing night, btw. There was little something but not too special:D
- More Than Blue. (I spent a lot of tissue. Goddamn sad.)
- Season Change
- Master's Sun (horror drama:p)
- Cold Eyes
- Some Running Man episode.
- Dilan (Best read!)
- Simple Thinking about Blood Type
- Beast - Fiction
- Kelly C. - Because of You
- Daughtry - Life After You
Quotes of the Month:
Jangan hitung berapa kali seseorang menyakiti dan meninggalkanmu. Tapi hitung berapa kali kau menyakiti Tuhan dan Dia tak pernah meninggalkanmu.
Random Pict:
Kemaruk, nggih? xD |
I found this. |
Selamat Pagi :D |
Friend's creature. She's just entrusted.-. |
Selfie duyuuu~ |
Smasa, 3rd floor. |
Happy planting. |
Potaoes practicum '-' |
\:D/ |
The election. |
Penutup akhir bulan. |
Don't miss me:p
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